This is my response to the article in which have the Slovaks alleged problem with history.
Bálint Ablonczy:
For example, the 1938 first Vienna Award (annulled in 1947) gave Hungary territory from present-day Slovakia, lost by the 1920 Treaty of Trianon. It is labelled by Hungarians as 'the return of the southern-Uplands to Hungary.' Slovaks call it the 'temporary Hungarian invasion and loss of southern Slovakia' - two irreconcilable concepts.
Note: Of an official document issued by the United Nations I has removed some of the text in French language.
Arbitral award establishing the Czechoslovak-Hungarian boundary
2 November 1938
VOLUME XXVIII pp. 401-406
Arbitral award establishing the Czechoslovak-Hungarian boundary Decision of 2 November 1938
Territorial determination – cession of territories – question of the areas to be ceded by Czechoslovakia to Hungary – modalities of transfer. Nationality – protection of persons of Magyar nationality remaining in Czechoslovakian territory and of persons of non-Magyar nationality remaining in the ceded territories to be agreed upon by a Hungarian-Czechoslovak Commission.
* * * * *
∗ Reprinted from M. O. Hudson, International Legislation: a collection of the texts of multipartite international instruments of general interest, vol. VIII, Washington, 1949, Carnegie Endowment on international peace, p.202.
Protocol concerning the Arbitral Award Establishing the Czechoslovak-Hungarian Boundary. Signed at Vienna, November 2, 1938.
∗Entered into force November 2, 1938.
∗∗Translation from 8 Völkerbund (1938), No. 3-4, pp. 54-55. In pursuance of the request made by the Royal Hungarian and the Czechoslovak Governments to the German and the Royal Italian Governments to settle by arbitration the outstanding question of the areas to be ceded to Hungary, and in pursuance of the notes exchanged on the subject between the Governments concerned on October 30th 1938, the German Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs, Herr Joachim von Ribbentrop, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of His Majesty the King of Italy and Emperor of Ethiopia, Count Galeazzo Ciano, have today met at the Belvedere Castle at Vienna and given the desired arbitral award in the names of their Governments. For this purpose they have invited to Vienna the Royal Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Koloman von Kanya, and the Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Franz Chvalkovsky, in order to give them an opportunity in the first place again to explain the point of view of their Governments. This arbitral award, together with the map mentioned in paragraph I, has been handed to the Royal Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and to the Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs. They have taken cognizance of it and have again confirmed, on behalf of their Governments, the statement which they made on October 30th 1938 that they accept the arbitral award as a final settlement and that they undertake to carry it out unconditionally and without delay.
DONE in the German and Italian languages in quadruplicate.
Vienna, November 2nd 1938.
∗ Editor’s note: Provisions relating to the Czechoslovak-Hungarian boundary were included in Article 27 of the Treaty of Trianon of June 4, 1920 (British. and Foreign State Papers, vol. 113, p. 505); a delimitation convention was signed at Prague, November 14, 1928 (League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. 110, p. 425). At the time of the conclusion of the Munich Agreement of September 29 1938, the heads of the British, French, German and Italian governments declared that “the problems of the Polish and Hungarian minorities in Czechoslovakia, if not settled within three months by agreement between the respective Governments, shall form the subject of another meeting” of the four heads of the governments. On a proposal by the Czechoslovak Government, the question of the transfer of territories from Czechoslovakia to Hungary was submitted to the arbitration of the German and Italian Foreign Ministers, whose award was annexed to this Protocol. A convention on nationality was concluded between Czechoslovakia and Hungary on February 18, 1939. The treaty of peace with Hungary of February 10, 1947, declared the decisions of the Vienna award “null and void” (Article 1, §4). U.S. Department of State Publication 2743.
∗∗ Editor’s note: Not registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations.
Arbitral Award of November 2, 1938.
In pursuance of the request made by the Royal Hungarian and the Czechoslovak Governments to the German and the Royal Italian Governments to settle by arbitration the outstanding question of the areas to be ceded to Hungary, and in pursuance of the notes exchanged on the subject between the Governments concerned on October 30th 1938, the German Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs, Herr Joachim von Ribbentrop, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of His Majesty the King of Italy and Emperor of Ethiopia, Count Galeazzo Ciano, have today met at Vienna and, after a further discussion with the Royal Hungarian Minister of Foreign affairs, M. Koloman von Kanya, and the Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Franz Chvalkovsky, have given the following arbitral award in the names of their Governments:
1. The areas to be ceded by Czechoslovakia to Hungary are marked on the annexed map.
∗ The demarcation of the frontier on the spot is confided to a Hungarian-Czechoslovak Commission.
2. The evacuation of the ceded territories by Czechoslovakia and their occupation by Hungary begins on November 5th and is to be concluded by November 10th. The individual stages of the evacuation and occupation together with other details are to be fixed by a Hungarian-Czechoslovak Commission.
∗ Not fear. I know what is the notion of occupation : ).
3. The Czechoslovak Government will take care that the ceded territories are left in an orderly condition on evacuation.
4. Individual questions arising out of the cession of territory, in particular questions relating to nationality and options are to be settled by a Hungarian-Czechoslovak Commission.
5. Likewise, detailed provisions for the protection of persons of Magyar nationality remaining in the territory of Czechoslovakia and of persons of non-Magyar nationality remaining in the ceded territories are to be agreed upon by a Hungarian-Czechoslovak Commission. This Commission will take particular care that the Magyar national group in Pressburg is given the same position as the other national groups.
6. In so far as the cession of territories to Hungary involves disadvantages and difficulties of an economic or transport character for the territory remaining with Czechoslovakia, the Royal Hungarian Government will do everything possible, in agreement with the Czechoslovak Government, to remove such disadvantages and difficulties.
∗ Secretariat note: The map is not reproduced herein.
7. Should any difficulties or doubts arise in the execution of this arbitral award, the Royal Hungarian and the Czech Governments will immediately consult with each other. Should they be unable to reach an agreement on any question, such question will be submitted to the German and Royal Italian Governments for final decision.
Vienna, November 2nd 1938.
UNITED NATIONS Copyright (c) 2007
The concept of "ceded" does not return! Two reconcilable concepts? With Slovak version off course: ). I think yes.
History: a problematic
13.11.2008 10:30:00
I think not.